英単語一覧(日本語なし) 英単語一覧 12030語 ★日本語ありはコチラ★ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Aの単語一覧 a a.m. abandon abandoned abandonment abate abbey abbreviate abbreviation abdicate abdomen abdominal aberration abet abhor abhorrent abide abiding ability abject ablaze able abnormal abnormality aboard abolish abolition abominable aboriginal abort abortion abortive abound about above abrasive abreast abroad abrupt absence absent absolute absolutely absorb absorbing absorption abstain abstinence abstract abstraction absurd absurdity abundance abundant abuse abusive abyss academic academy accede accelerate acceleration accelerator accent accept acceptable acceptance access accessible accession accessory accident accidental accidentally acclaim acclamation accolade accommodate accommodating accommodation accompaniment accompanist accompany accomplice accomplish accomplished accomplishment accord accordance accordingly account accountability accountable accountant accounting accrue accumulate accumulation accuracy accurate accurately accusation accuse accused accustom accustomed ace ache achieve achievement acid acknowledge acknowledgment acorn acoustic acquaint acquaintance acquiescence acquire acquisition acquit acquittal acre acreage acronym across act acting action activate activation active actively activist activity actor actress actual actuality actually acumen acute acutely ad adage adamant adapt adaptable adaptation adapter add added addict addicted addiction addictive addition additional additionally additive address adept adequacy adequate adhere adherence adherent adhesive adjacent adjective adjoining adjourn adjunct adjust adjustable adjustment administer administration administrative administrator admirable admiral admiration admire admirer admission admit admittance admittedly admonish admonition adolescence adolescent adopt adoption adorable adoration adore adorn adornment adrift adult adultery advance advanced advancement advantage advantageous advent adventure adventurer adventurous adverb adversary adverse adversity advertise advertisement advertiser advertising advice advisable adviser advisory advocacy advocate aegis aerial aerobic aerospace aesthetic aesthetics afar affable affair affect affectation affected affection affectionate affectionately affidavit affiliate affiliated affiliation affinity affirm affirmation affirmative affix afflict affluence affluent afford affordable affront afield afoot afraid afresh aft after aftercare aftermath afternoon afterward again against age aged agency agenda agent aggravate aggregate aggregation aggression aggressive aggressor aggrieved agile aging agitate agitation ago agonize agonizing agony agrarian agree agreeable agreed agreement agricultural agriculture ahead aid aide ail ailing ailment aim aimless air air force airborne aircraft airline airliner airmail airman airplane airport airship airtight airway aisle akin alarm alarming album alcohol alcoholic alcoholism alderman ale alert algae algebra algorithm alias alibi alien alienate alienation alight align alignment alike alive all allay allegation allege alleged allegedly allegiance allegory allergic allergy alleviate alley alliance allied alligator allocate allocation allot allotment allow allowance alloy all-time allude allure alluring allusion ally almighty almond almost aloft alone alongside aloof aloud alpha alphabet alphabetical alpine already also altar alter alteration altercation alternate alternately alternative alternatively although altitude alto altogether altruism aluminum alumnus always am amalgamate amass amateur amaze amazed amazement amazing ambassador amber ambiguity ambiguous ambition ambitious ambivalent amble ambulance ambush amen amenable amend amendment amends amenity amiable amid amity ammonia ammunition amnesty among amount amour amp amphibian amphitheater ample amplify amply amuse amused amusement amusing an anal analog analogous analogy analysis analyst analytic analytical analyze anarchist anarchy anatomy ancestor ancestral ancestry anchor anchorage ancient ancillary and anecdote anemia anesthesia anesthetic anew angel angelic anger angle angler angry anguish animal animate animated animosity ankle annex annexation annihilate anniversary announce announcement announcer annoy annoyance annoyed annoying annual annually annuity annul anomaly anonymous anorexia another answer ant antagonism antagonist antagonize Antarctic ante antecedent antenna anterior anteroom anthem anthropologist anthropology anti antibiotic antibody antic anticipate anticipation antidote antigen antipathy antiquated antique antiquity antiseptic antithesis antonym anvil anxiety anxious any anybody anyhow anymore anyone anything anytime anyway anywhere apart apartment apathy ape aperture apex apiece apocalypse apologetic apologize apology apostle appalling apparatus apparel apparent apparently apparition appeal appear appearance appease appendix appetite appetizer appetizing applaud applause apple appliance applicable applicant application applied apply appoint appointment appraise appreciate appreciation appreciative apprehend apprehension apprehensive apprentice apprenticeship approach appropriate appropriation approval approve approved approximate approximately apricot April apron apt aptitude aquarium aquatic arable arbitrary arbitration arbor arc arcade arcane arch archaeologist archaeology archaic archbishop arched archer archipelago architect architectural architecture archive arctic ardent arduous are area arena argue argument aria arid arise aristocracy aristocrat aristocratic arithmetic ark arm armament armchair armed armful armistice armor armored armpit army aroma around arousal arouse arrange arrangement array arrest arrival arrive arrogance arrogant arrow arsenal arsenic arson art artery artful arthritis article articulate articulation artifact artifice artificial artillery artisan artist artistic artwork as ascend ascendancy ascent ascertain ascribe ash ashamed ashore ashtray aside ask asking asleep asparagus aspect aspen asphalt aspiration aspire aspirin ass assail assassin assassinate assassination assault assay assemble assembly assert assertion assertive assess assessment assessor asset assign assignment assimilate assimilation assist assistance assistant associate associated association assorted assortment assume assuming assumption assurance assure assured asteroid asthma astonish astonishing astonishment astound astray astrology astronaut astronomer astronomical astronomy astute asunder asylum at atheist athlete athletic athletics atlas atmosphere atmospheric atom atomic atone atop atrocity attach attached attachment attack attain attainment attempt attempted attend attendance attendant attention attentive attest attic attire attitude attorney attract attraction attractive attributable attribute attribution attrition auction audacious audacity audible audience audio audit audition auditor auditorium augment August aunt aura aurora auspicious austere austerity authentic authenticity author authoritarian authoritative authority authorization authorize autism auto autobiography autocratic autograph automate automatic automatically automation automobile automotive autonomous autonomy autumn auxiliary avail availability available avalanche avarice avenge avenue average averse aversion avert aviary aviation avid avocado avoid avoidance await awake awakening award aware awareness away awe awesome awful awfully awkward ax axis aye Bの単語一覧 babble babe baby babysitter bachelor back backbone backdrop backer backfire background backing backlash backup backward backyard bacon bacteria bacterial bad badge badger badly badminton baffle bag baggage baggy bail bait bake baker bakery baking balance balanced balcony bald bale balk ball ballad ballast ballet balloon ballot ballpoint balm baloney bamboo ban banana band bandage Band-Aid bandit bane bang banish banjo bank banker banking bankrupt bankruptcy banner banquet banter baptism baptize bar barbarian barbarism barbecue barbed barber bard bare barefoot barely bargain bargaining barge bark barley barn barometer baron baroque barrack barrage barrel barren barricade barrier barrow barter base baseball basement bash bashful basic basically basil basin basis bask basket basketball bass bastard bastion bat batch bath bathe bathroom bathtub batsman battalion batten batter battery battle battlefield bay bazaar be beach beacon bead beak beam bean bear beard bearer bearing beast beastly beat beaten beater beating beau beautiful beautifully beauty beaver because beckon become bed bedding bedrock bedroom bedside bedtime bee beef beefsteak been beer beet beetle before beforehand beg beget beggar begin beginner beginning beguile behalf behave behavior behavioral behind behold beige being belie belief believe believer bell bellboy belle belligerent bellow belly bellybutton belong belonging beloved below belt bemoan bench benchmark bend beneath benefactor beneficial beneficiary benefit benevolence benevolent benign bequeath bereaved berry berth beseech beset beside besides besiege best bestow bet beta betray betrayal better between beverage beware bewilder bewilderment beyond bias biased Bible bibliography biceps bicycle bid bidder big bigotry bike bilateral bile bilingual bill billboard billiard billion billow bimonthly bin binary bind binder binding bingo binocular biochemistry biographer biographical biography biological biologist biology biopsy biotechnology birch bird birth birthday birthplace birthrate birthright biscuit bishop bison bit bitch bite biting bitter bitterly bitterness bizarre black blackboard blacken blackmail blackout blacksmith bladder blade blame blanch bland blank blanket blasphemy blast blatant blaze bleach bleak bleed blemish blend bless blessed blessing blight blind blinding blink bliss blister blizzard bloc block bloke blond blonde blood bloody bloom blooming blossom blot blouse blow blue blueberry blueprint bluff blunder blunt blur blurt blush board boarder boarding boardroom boast boastful boat bode bodily body bodyguard bog bogus boil boiler boiling boisterous bold boldness bolster bolt bomb bombard bombardment bomber bombing bond bondage bone bonfire bonus bony book bookcase booking booklet bookseller bookshelf bookshop bookstore boom boomer boon boost booster boot booth booty booze border borderline bore bored boredom boring born borough borrow borrower borrowing bosom boss botanical botanist botany botch both bother bottle bottom bottomless bough boulder boulevard bounce bound boundary bountiful bounty bouquet bourgeois bout boutique bovine bow bowel bower bowl bowler bowling box boxer boxing boy boycott boyhood boyish bra brace bracelet bracket brag braid brain brake bran branch brand brandish brand-new brandy brash brass bravado brave bravely bravery brawl brazen breach bread breadth breadwinner break breakdown breaker breakfast breaking breakthrough breakup breast breath breathe breathing breathless breathtaking breed breeder breeding breeze brethren brevity brew brewer brewery bribe bribery brick bridal bride bridegroom bridge bridle brief briefcase briefing briefly brigade bright brighten brightly brightness brilliance brilliant brim bring brink brisk briskly bristle brittle broad broadcast broadcaster broadcasting broaden broadly broccoli brochure broken broker bromide bronchitis bronze brood brook broom broth brother brow brown brownie browse bruise brunch brunt brush brusque brutal brutality brute bubble buck bucket buckle bud Buddhism Buddhist buddy budget buff buffalo buffer buffet bug buggy build builder building buildup bulb bulge bulk bulky bull bulldozer bullet bulletin bullish bully bum bump bumper bumpy bun bunch bundle bungalow bunk bunny buoyant burden burdensome bureau bureaucracy bureaucrat bureaucratic burger burglar burglary burial burly burn burning burnish burnout burnt burrow burst bury bus bush busily business businesslike businessman businesswoman bust bustle busy but butcher butler butt butter butterfly buttock button buttonhole buttress buy buyer buyout buzz by bye bypass Cの単語一覧 cab cabbage cabin cabinet cable cache cactus caddie cadence cadet cadre cafe cafeteria cage cake calamity calcium calculate calculating calculation calculator calculus calendar calf caliber call caller calling callous calm calmly calmness calorie camel camera cameraman camouflage camp campaign campaigner camper campground campus can canal canary cancel cancellation cancer candid candidate candle candy cane canine cannon canny canoe canon canopy cant canteen canvas canvass canyon cap capability capable capacity cape capital capitalism capitalist capitalize caprice capricious capsule captain caption captivate captive captivity capture car caravan carbohydrate carbon carcass carcinogen card cardboard cardiac cardigan cardinal cardiovascular care career carefree careful carefully careless carelessly caress caretaker cargo caricature caring carnival carol carousel carp carpenter carpet carriage carrier carrot carry cart cartel cartoon cartridge carve carving cascade case cash cashier casino casket casserole cassette cast caste casting castle casual casually casualty cat cataclysm catalog catalyst catapult cataract catastrophe catastrophic catch catcher categorical categorize category cater caterpillar cathedral Catholic cattle caucus cauliflower causal cause caustic caution cautious cavalier cavalry cave cavern cavity cease ceaseless cedar ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity celery celestial cell cellar cello cellular cement cemetery censor censorship censure census cent centennial center centered centerpiece centigrade centimeter central centralization centralize century ceramic cereal cerebral ceremonial ceremony certain certainly certainty certificate certification certify cessation chaff chain chair chairman chairperson chalk challenge challenged challenger challenging chamber champagne champion championship chance chancellor change changeable channel chant chaos chaotic chap chapel chaplain chapter character characteristic characterize charcoal charge chariot charitable charity charlatan charm charming charred chart charter chase chasm chaste chasten chastise chat chateau chatter chauffeur cheap cheaply cheapness cheat check checked checklist checkup cheek cheeky cheer cheerful cheerleader cheery cheese chef chemical chemist chemistry cherish cherry chess chest chestnut chew chic chick chicken chief chiefly child childbearing childbirth childcare childhood childish childless children chill chilly chime chimney chimpanzee chin china chip chirp chisel chivalry chlorine chocolate choice choir choke cholesterol choose chop chord chore choreograph chorus Christ christen Christian Christianity Christmas chromosome chronic chronicle chronology chuck chuckle chum chunk church churchyard churn cider cigar cigarette cinema circle circuit circular circulate circulation circulatory circumference circumscribe circumstance circumstantial circumvent circus cistern citadel citation cite citizen citizenship city civic civil civilian civility civilization civilize claim claimant clairvoyant clam clamor clamp clan clandestine clap clarify clarinet clarity clash clasp class classic classical classification classified classify classmate classroom clatter clause claw clay clean cleaner cleaning cleanliness cleanly cleanse cleanser cleanup clear clearance clearing clearly clearness cleavage cleave clench clergy clergyman cleric clerical clerk clever cliché click client clientele cliff climate climatic climax climb climbing clinch cling clinic clinical clip clique cloak cloakroom clock clockwise clockwork clog clone close closed closely closer closet closing closure clot cloth clothe clothes clothesline clothespin clothing cloud cloudless cloudy clout clover clown club clue clump clumsy cluster clutch clutter coach coal coalesce coalition coarse coast coastal coastline coat coating coax cobble cobweb cocaine cock cockpit cocktail cocoa coconut cod coddle code coeducation coerce coercion coexist coexistence coffee coffeehouse coffeepot coffin cognition cognitive coherence coherent cohesion cohort coil coin coincide coincidence coke cola cold colitis collaborate collaboration collapse collar collateral colleague collect collection collective collector college collide collision colloquial collusion colon colonel colonial colonist colonize colony color colored colorful coloring colossal colt column columnist coma comatose comb combat combination combine combined combo combustion come comeback comedian comedy comer comet comfort comfortable comfortably comforting comic comical coming comma command commander commandment commando commemorate commence commencement commend comment commentary commentator commerce commercial commercialism commission commissioner commit commitment committee commodity common commoner commonly commonplace commons commonwealth communal commune communicate communication communicative communicator communion communique communism communist community commute commuter compact companion company comparable comparative comparatively compare comparison compartment compass compassion compassionate compatible compel compelling compensate compensation compete competence competent competing competition competitive competitor compilation compile complacency complacent complain complainant complaint complement complementary complete completely completion complex complexion complexity compliance compliant complicate complicated complication complicity compliment complimentary comply component compose composed composer composite composition compost composure compound comprehend comprehensible comprehension comprehensive compress compression comprise compromise comptroller compulsion compulsive compulsory compute computer computerize computing comrade con concave conceal concealment concede conceit conceited conceivable conceive concentrate concentrated concentration concept conception conceptual concern concerned concerning concert concerted concerto concession concise conclude conclusion conclusive concoct concomitant concord concordance concrete concur condemn condemnation condense condition conditional conditioner conditioning condo condolence condom condominium condone conduct conductor cone confederate confederation confer conference confess confession confetti confide confidence confident confidential confidentiality configuration confine confinement confirm confirmation confirmed confiscate conflict conflicting confluence conform conformity confound confront confrontation confuse confused confusing confusion congenial congestion conglomerate congratulate congratulation congregate congregation congress congressional conjecture conjunction conjure connect connected connection connector connoisseur connotation conquer conqueror conquest conscience conscientious conscious consciousness consecrate consecutive consensus consent consequence consequent consequently conservation conservationist conservative conservatory conserve consider considerable considerably considerate consideration considering consign consignment consist consistency consistent consistently consolation console consolidate consolidation consonant consortium conspicuous conspiracy conspire constable constant constantly constellation consternation constipation constituency constituent constitute constitution constitutional constrain constraint constrict construct construction constructive construe consul consulate consult consultant consultant consultation consume consumer consummate consummation consumption contact contagion contagious contain container containment contaminant contaminate contamination contemplate contemplation contemplative contemporary contempt contemptuous contend contender content contented contention contentious contentment contest contestant context continent continental contingency contingent continual continually continuance continuation continue continued continuing continuity continuous continuously continuum contour contra contraception contraceptive contract contraction contractor contradict contradiction contradictory contrary contrast contravene contribute contribution contributor contrive control controlled controller controversial controversy conundrum convalescence convene convenience convenient convent convention conventional converge convergence conversation conversational converse conversely conversion convert convertible convey conveyance convict conviction convince convinced convincing convoy cook cooker cookery cookie cooking cool coolness coop cooper cooperate cooperation cooperative coordinate coordination coordinator cop cope copious copper copy copyright coral cord cordial cordon core cork corn corner cornerstone corollary coronary coronation coroner corporal corporate corporation corps corpse corpus correct correction correctly correlation correspond correspondence correspondent corresponding corridor corroborate corrode corrosive corrupt corruption cortex cosmetic cosmic cosmopolitan cosmos cost costly costume cot cottage cotton couch cough could council councilor counsel counseling counselor count countdown countenance counter counteract counterclockwise counterfeit counterpart countless country countryman countryside county coup couple coupon courage courageous courier course court courteous courtesy courthouse courtroom courtship courtyard cousin cove covenant cover coverage covering covert covet cow coward cowardice cowardly cowboy cower coy cozy crab crack crackdown cracked cracker crackle cradle craft craftsman crafty cram cramp crane crank crap crash crate crater crave crawl crayon craze crazy creak cream creamy crease create creation creative creativity creator creature credibility credible credit creditable creditor creed creek creep creepy crescent crest crevice crew crib cricket crime criminal crimson cringe cripple crisis crisp criteria criterion critic critical criticism criticize critique crochet crocodile crony crook crooked crop cross crossed crossing crossroad crosswalk crossword crouch crow crowd crowded crown crucial crucifixion crucify crude cruel cruelly cruelty cruise cruiser crumb crumble crumple crunch crusade crush crushing crust crutch crux cry crypt cryptic crystal cub cube cubic cuckoo cucumber cuddle cue cuff cuisine culinary cull culminate culmination culprit cult cultivate cultivated cultivation cultivator cultural culture cumbersome cumulative cunning cup cupboard cupful curator curb cure curfew curio curiosity curious curiously curl curly currency current currently curriculum curry curse cursed cursory curt curtail curtain curve curved cushion custard custodian custody custom customary customer cut cutback cute cutlery cutter cutting cycle cycling cyclist cylinder cynic cynical cynicism czar Tweet