英単語一覧5(日本語なし) 英単語一覧 12030語 ★日本語ありはコチラ★ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sの単語一覧 Sabbath sabbatical sabotage sack sacred sacrifice sad saddle sadly sadness safari safe safeguard safely safety sag saga sage sail sailing sailor saint sake salad salaried salary sale sales salesclerk salesman salespeople salesperson salient saliva salmon salon saloon salt salty salute salvage salvation same sample sampling sanction sanctity sanctuary sand sandal sandstone sandwich sandy sane sanguine sanitary sanity sap sarcasm sarcastic sardine Satan satchel satellite satin satire satisfaction satisfactory satisfied satisfy satisfying saturate saturation Saturday sauce saucer sausage savage save saving savior savor saw say saying scale scalp scam scan scan scandal scandalous scanner scant scanty scapegoat scar scarce scarcely scarcity scare scared scarf scarlet scary scathing scatter scenario scene scenery scenic scent schedule schematic scheme schism schizophrenia scholar scholarly scholarship school schoolbook schoolboy schoolgirl schoolhouse schooling schoolmaster schoolroom schoolteacher science scientific scientist scion scissors scoff scold scoop scooter scope scorch score scorn scornful scour scourge scout scowl scrabble scramble scrap scrape scratch scrawl scream screaming screech screen screening screw screwdriver scribble script scripture scroll scrub scruffy scrupulous scrutinize scrutiny scuffle sculptor sculpture scum scurry scuttle sea seafood seal seam seaman seamless seaport sear search searching searchlight seashore seaside season seasonal seasoning seat seaweed sec secede secession seclude secluded second secondary secondhand secondly secrecy secret secretarial secretary secrete secretive secretly sect sectarian section sector secular secure security sedan sedate sedative sedentary sediment seduce seductive see seed seedy seek seeker seem seeming seemingly seep seethe segment segregate segregation seismic seize seizure seldom select selected selection selective selector self self-esteem selfish sell seller semantic semblance semester semicircle semiconductor semifinal seminal seminar seminary senate senator send sender senile senior seniority sensation sensational sense senseless sensibility sensible sensitive sensitivity sensor sensory sensual sensuous sentence sentiment sentimental sentry separable separate separately separation September sequel sequence sequester serene sergeant serial series serious seriously seriousness sermon serpent serum servant serve server service serviceman serving sesame session set setback setting settle settled settlement settler setup seven seventeen seventeenth seventh seventieth seventy sever several severe severely severity sew sewage sewer sewerage sewing sex sexist sexual sexuality sexually sexy shabby shackle shade shadow shadowy shady shaft shaggy shake shall shallow sham shame shameful shameless shampoo shape shaped share shared shareholder shark sharp sharpen sharply sharpness shatter shave shawl she shear sheath shed sheen sheep sheer sheet shelf shell shellfish shelter shelve shepherd sherbet sheriff sherry shield shift shifty shilling shimmer shin shine shingle shining Shinto shiny ship shipbuilding shipment shipping shipwreck shirt shiver shoal shock shocking shoddy shoe shoelace shoemaker shoot shooting shop shopkeeper shoplift shopper shopping shore shoreline short shortage shortcoming shorten shorthand shortly short-term shot should shoulder shout shove shovel show showcase showdown shower showroom showy shred shrewd shriek shrill shrimp shrine shrink shroud shrub shrug shudder shuffle shun shut shutter shuttle shy sibling sick sicken sickle sickly sickness side sideboard sideline sidewalk sideways siege sierra sieve sift sigh sight sightseeing sign signal signature significance significant significantly signify signing signpost silence silent silently silhouette silicon silk silky silly silver silvery similar similarity similarly simmer simple simplify simplistic simply simulate simulation simultaneous simultaneously sin since sincere sincerely sincerity sing singer singing single singular sinister sink sinner sip sir sire siren sister sit site situate situated situation six sixteen sixteenth sixth sixtieth sixty sizable size skate skating skeleton skeptic skeptical skepticism sketch sketchbook ski skid skier skiing skill skilled skillful skim skin skinny skip skipper skirmish skirt skull sky skyline skyscraper slab slack slam slander slang slant slap slapstick slash slate slaughter slave slavery slay sleazy sled sleek sleep sleeper sleeping sleepless sleepy sleeve sleigh slender slice slick slide sliding slight slightly slim sling slip slipper slippery slither sliver slogan slope sloppy slot slouch slough slow slowly sludge slug sluggish slum slumber slump slur sly smack small smart smash smear smell smelt smile smirk smite smock smog smoke smoker smoking smoky smolder smooth smother smudge smug smuggle smuggler snack snag snail snake snap snapshot snare snarl snatch sneak sneer sneeze sniff snip snob snooze snore snort snow snowball snowflake snowstorm snowy snub snuff snug so soak soaked soap soapy soar sob sober so-called soccer sociable social socialism socialist socialization socialize socially society socioeconomic sociological sociologist sociology sock socket sod soda sodium sofa soft soften softly software soggy soil sojourn Sol solace solar soldier sole solely solemn solemnly solicit solicitor solid solidarity solidly solitary solitude solo soloist solstice solution solve solvent somber some somebody someday somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhere son sonata song soon sooner soot soothe sophisticated sophistication sophomore sorcerer sordid sore sorrow sorrowful sorry sort sortie soul sound soup sour source south southeast southeastern southern southward southwest southwestern souvenir sovereign sovereignty soviet sow sown soy soybean spa space spacecraft spaceship spacious spade spaghetti span spank spar spare sparing spark sparkle sparkling sparrow sparse spasm spate spatial spawn speak speaker speaking spear spearhead special specialist specialize specialized specially specialty species specific specifically specification specify specimen speck spectacle spectacular spectator specter spectrum speculate speculation speculative speech speechless speed speedy spell spelling spend spending sperm sphere spice spicy spider spike spill spin spinach spinal spine spinner spinning spiral spire spirit spiritual spit spite splash splendid splendor splice splinter split spoil spoke spoken spokesman spokesperson sponge sponsor sponsorship spontaneity spontaneous spook spoon spoonful sporadic sport sporting sportsman sporty spot spotlight spotted spouse spout sprawl spray spread spreadsheet spree sprig spring springtime sprinkle sprint sprite sprout spruce sprung spur spurious spurt sputter spy squad squadron squander square squarely squash squat squatter squeak squeal squeeze squid squint squirm squirrel squirt stab stability stabilize stable stack stadium staff stag stage stagger stagnant stagnate stagnation stain stair staircase stairway stake stale stalemate stalk stall stallion stalwart stamina stammer stamp stance stanch stand standard standardize standing standpoint staple stapler star starch stare stark starlight start starter startle startling starvation starve state stately statement statesman static station stationary stationery statistical statistics statue stature status statute statutory staunch stave stay stead steadfast steadily steady steak steal stealth stealthy steam steamboat steamer steamship steep steeple steer stein stellar stem stench stenographer step stepfather stepmother stereo stereotype sterile sterilize sterling stern stew steward stewardess stick sticker sticky stiff stiffen stifle stigma still stillness stimulant stimulate stimulation stimulus sting stingy stink stint stipulate stir stirring stitch stock stocking stockpile stocky stoke stolen stomach stomachache stone stony stool stoop stop stopover stoppage stopper storage store storehouse storekeeper storm stormy story storyteller storytelling stout stove stow straight straighten straightforward strain strait strand strange strangely stranger strangle strap strategic strategy stratum straw strawberry stray streak stream street streetcar strength strengthen strenuous stress stressful stretch stricken strict strictly stride strident strife strike striker striking string stringent strip stripe striped strive stroke stroll strong stronghold strongly structural structure struggle strut stub stubble stubborn stud student studio study stuff stuffy stumble stump stun stunning stunt stupendous stupid stupidity stupor sturdy style stylish stylist stylistic sub subcommittee subconscious subculture subdivide subdivision subdue subdued subgroup subject subjective subjugate sublime submarine submerge submission submissive submit subordinate subscribe subscriber subscription subsequent subsequently subside subsidiary subsidize subsidy subsistence substance substantial substantially substantiate substantive substitute substitution subterranean subtle subtlety subtract suburb suburban subversion subversive subvert subway succeed success successful successfully succession successive successor succinct succulent succumb such suck sudden suddenly sue suffer sufferer suffering suffice sufficiency sufficient sufficiently suffocate suffrage sugar suggest suggestion suggestive suicidal suicide suit suitable suitcase suite suitor sulfur sulk sullen sultan sultry sum summarize summary summer summertime summit summon sumptuous sun sunbeam sunburn sundae Sunday sundry sunflower sunglasses sunken sunlight sunny sunrise sunset sunshine super superb superficial superfluous superimpose superintendent superior superiority supermarket supernatural superpower supersede supersonic superstar superstition superstitious supervise supervision supervisor supper supplant supple supplement supplementary supplier supply support supporter supporting supportive suppose supposed supposition suppress suppression supremacy supreme surcharge sure surely surf surface surfing surge surgeon surgery surgical surly surmise surmount surname surpass surplus surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surrender surrogate surround surrounding surveillance survey surveyor survival survive survivor susceptibility susceptible suspect suspend suspender suspense suspension suspicion suspicious suspiciously sustain sustainable sustenance swagger swallow swamp swan swap swarm sway swear sweat sweater sweatshirt sweep sweeping sweet sweeten sweetheart sweetie sweetly sweetness swell swelling swerve swift swim swimmer swimming swimsuit swindle swine swing swirl switch swollen swoon swoop sword syllable syllabus symbol symbolic symbolism symbolize symmetrical symmetry sympathetic sympathize sympathy symphony symposium symptom syndicate syndrome synod synonym synopsis syntax synthesis synthesize synthetic syrup system systematic Tの単語一覧 tab table tableau tablecloth tablespoon tablet tabloid taboo tacit tack tackle tact tactic tactical tactics tadpole tag tail tailor taint take takeoff takeout takeover tale talent talented talisman talk talkative talking tall tally talon tame tamper tan tangible tangle tangled tank tanker tantalize tantalizing tantrum tap tape taper tar tardy target tariff tarnish tarry tart task taste tasteful tasteless tasty tattoo taunt taut tavern tax taxation taxi taxpayer tea teach teacher teaching teacup team teammate teamwork teapot tear tearful tease teaspoon teaspoonful tech technical technically technician technique technological technology tedious tee teem teen teenage teenager telecommunications telegram telegraph telephone telescope televise television tell teller telling temper temperament temperance temperate temperature tempest template temple tempo temporal temporality temporary tempt temptation tempting ten tenacious tenancy tenant tenant tend tendency tender tenderly tenderness tenement tenet tennis tenor tense tension tent tentacle tentative tenth tenuous tenure tepid term terminal terminate termination terminology terminus terrace terrain terrestrial terrible terribly terrific terrify terrifying territorial territory terror terrorism terrorist terse test testament testify testimonial testimony testing tetanus tether text textbook textile texture than thank thankful thankfully Thanksgiving that thatch thaw the theater theatrical theft their theirs them theme themselves then theological theology theoretical theorist theory therapeutic therapist therapy there thereafter thereby therefore thermal thermometer thermostat thesaurus these thesis they thicken thicket thickly thickness thief thigh thimble thin thing think thinker thinking thinly third thirst thirsty thirteen thirteenth thirtieth thirty this thong thorn thorough thoroughbred thoroughfare thoroughly those though thought thoughtful thoughtless thousand thousandth thrash thread threat threaten three threshold thrift thrifty thrill thriller thrilling thrive throat throb throne throng throttle through throughout throw thrush thrust thud thug thumb thump thunder thunderous thunderstorm Thursday thus thwart tick ticket tickle tidal tide tidy tie tier tiger tight tighten tightly tights tile till tilt timber time timeless timely timer timetable timid timing tin tinge tingle tinker tint tiny tip tire tired tireless tiresome tiring tissue tit tithe title to toad toast tobacco today toddler toe together toil toilet token tolerable tolerance tolerant tolerate toll tomato tomb tome tomorrow ton tone tongs tongue tonic tonight too tool tooth toothache toothbrush toothless toothpaste toothpick top topic topical topography topping topple torch torment tornado torpedo torrent torso tortoise torture toss total totally totter touch touchdown touching touchy tough tour tourism tourist tournament tout tow toward towel tower towering town township townspeople toxic toxicity toy trace track tract tractor trade trademark trader tradesman trading tradition traditional traditionally traffic tragedy tragic trail trailer train trained trainee trainer training trait traitor trajectory tram tramp trample trance tranquil tranquility tranquilize transact transaction transcend transcontinental transcribe transcript transfer transform transformation transfusion transient transistor transit transition transitional transitory translate translation translator translucent transmission transmit transmitter transparency transparent transplant transport transportation trap trash trauma travail travel traveler traveling traverse tray treacherous treachery tread treason treasure treasurer treasury treat treatise treatment treaty treble tree trek tremble tremendous tremor trench trend trendy trespass trial triangle triangular tribal tribe tribunal tribune tribute trick trickle tricky trident trifle trigger trillion trim trimming trio trip triple trite triumph triumphant trivial trolley trombone troop trooper trophy tropic tropical trot trouble troubled troublesome trough troupe trousers trout truce truck trudge true truly trump trumpet trunk trust trustee trusting trustworthy truth truthful try T-shirt tub tube tuberculosis tuck Tuesday tug tuition tulip tumble tummy tumor tumult tumultuous tuna tune tunnel turbulence turbulent turf turkey turmoil turn turner turning turnip turnout turnover turnpike turtle tutor tutorial TV twelfth twelve twentieth twenty twice twig twilight twin twinkle twist twitch twitter two two-thirds type typewriter typhoid typhoon typical typically typist tyrannical tyranny tyrant Uの単語一覧 ubiquitous ugly ulcer ultimate ultimately ultimatum ultraviolet umbrella umpire unable unacceptable unambiguous unanimous unarmed unauthorized unavailable unavoidable unaware unbearable unbeaten unbelievable unborn unbroken unbutton uncanny uncertain uncertainty unchanged uncle unclear uncomfortable uncommon uncompromising unconcerned unconditional unconscious uncontrollable uncontrolled unconventional uncover undeniable under undercover undercut underestimate undergo undergraduate underground underlie underline underlying undermine underneath underpin underside understand understandable understanding undertake undertaking underwater underway underwear underwrite undesirable undisturbed undo undone undoubted undoubtedly undress undue unearth uneasy unemployed unemployment unending unequal unequivocal unethical uneven unexpected unexpectedly unfair unfamiliar unfavorable unfinished unfit unfold unforeseen unforgettable unfortunate unfortunately unfriendly unhappiness unhappy unhealthy unidentified unification uniform uniformity unify unilateral unimportant unintentional uninterrupted union unique unit unite united unity universal universally universe university unjust unkempt unkind unknown unleash unless unlike unlikely unlimited unlock unloved unlucky unmarried unmistakable unnatural unnecessary unnoticed unobtrusive unofficial unorthodox unpack unpaid unparalleled unpleasant unpopular unprecedented unpredictable unprepared unprofitable unravel unreal unreasonable unrelated unreliable unrest unruly unsafe unsatisfactory unscathed unscrupulous unseen unselfish unsettle unsettled unskilled unsold unspoken unstable unsteady unsuccessful unsuitable unsure unsuspecting untenable unthinkable untidy untie until untouched untrue unusual unusually unveil unwanted unwelcome unwilling unwise unworthy up upbeat upbringing upcoming update upgrade upheaval uphill uphold upholstery upland uplift upmarket upon upper upright uprising uproar uproot upset upshot upside upstairs upstart upward uranium urban urbane urge urgency urgent urine urn us usable usage use used useful usefulness useless user usher usual usually usurp utensil utilitarian utility utilize utmost utopia utopian utter utterance utterly Vの単語一覧 vacancy vacant vacate vacation vaccine vacuum vagabond vague vaguely vain vale valiant valid validate validity valley valor valuable valuation value valueless valve vampire van vandalism vane vanguard vanilla vanish vanity vanquish vantage vapor variant variation varied variegated variety various variously varnish vary vase vast vat vault veal vector veer vegetable vegetarian vegetation vehement vehicle veil vein velocity velvet vendor venerable vengeance venom venomous vent ventilate ventilation venture venue veranda verb verbal verdict verge verification verify veritable vernacular vernal versatile verse version versus vertical very vessel vest vested vestige vet veteran veterinarian veto vex via viable vibrant vibrate vibration vicar vice vicinity vicious victim victimize victor victorious victory video videotape vie view viewer viewpoint vigil vigilant vigor vigorous vile villa village villager villain vindicate vindication vine vinegar vintage violate violation violence violent violet violin violinist virgin virtual virtually virtue virtuous virus visa visage visibility visible vision visionary visit visitor vista visual visualize vital vitality vitamin vivacious vocabulary vocal vocation vocational vogue voice void volatile volcanic volcano volition volley volleyball voltage volume voluntary volunteer voluptuous vomit vote voter voting vouch voucher vow vowel voyage vs vulgar vulgarity vulnerable vulture Wの単語一覧 wade waft wag wage wager wagon wail waist waistcoat wait waiter waiting waitress waive waiver wake waken walk walker walking wall wallet wallpaper walnut waltz wand wander wanderer wandering wane want wanting war ward warden wardrobe ware warehouse warfare warm warming warmly warmth warn warning warp warrant warranty warren warring warrior warship wart wartime wary was wash washcloth washer washing wasp waste wasteful watch watchdog watchful watchman water watercolor waterfall waterfront watering watermelon waterproof watershed watertight waterway watery watt wave wavelength waver wax way wayward we weak weaken weakly weakness wealth wealthy wean weapon wear wearing weary weather weave weaver web wedding wedge Wednesday wee weed week weekday weekend weekly weep weigh weight weighty weird weld welfare well well-being well-known welter were west western westward wet whack whale wharf what whatever wheat wheel wheelchair when whenever where whereas wherever whet whether which whichever whiff while whim whimper whimsical whine whip whirl whirlpool whirlwind whisk whisker whiskey whisper whistle white whiteness whitewash who whoever whole wholesale wholesome wholly whom whore whose why wicked wicker wicket wide widely widen widespread widget widow widower width wield wife wig wild wilderness wildlife wildly will willing willingly willingness willow win wince wind windfall windmill window windy wine wineglass wing wink winner winning winter wintertime wipe wire wireless wiring wisdom wise wish wit witch with withdraw withdrawal withdrawn wither withhold within without withstand witness witty wizard wobble woe wolf woman womb wonder wonderful wont woo wood wooded wooden woodland woodwork wool woolen word wording work workable workaholic worker working workman workout workplace workshop world worldly worldwide worm worn worried worry worrying worse worsen worship worst worth worthless worthwhile worthy would wound wrap wrapper wrath wreath wreck wreckage wrench wrest wrestle wrestler wrestling wretch wretched wring wrinkle wrist writ write writer writing written wrong wrongdoing wrongly wry Xの単語一覧 xenophobia Yの単語一覧 yacht yard yarn yawn year yearly yearn yearning yeast yell yellow yen yes yesterday yet yield yielding yoga yogurt yoke yolk you young youngster your yours yourself yourselves youth youthful Zの単語一覧 zeal zealot zealous zebra zenith zero zest zigzag zinc zip zipper zodiac zone zoo zoological zoom Tweet